Friday, December 9, 2022 (1)

Monday, May 13, 2019
Posted on 05/13/2019

Today is an A day.  

Attention seniors:  Do you have any great pictures of you and your besties throughout your years in school?    We are currently looking for photos for the senior slide show that will be viewed on the last day of school at the senior picnic.  If you have some, then please send them to [email protected] This link can also be found on the senior web page

Seniors: ABC Truss in Chetek is hiring. Anyone hired by June 1st is eligible to apply for a scholarship they offer. If you are interested in learning more stop in Student Services.

Yearbooks will be distributed on Friday morning, May 17th in the Ole Olsen Gym. If you aren’t sure if you or your parents bought a yearbook, check with Mr. Panasuk in room 228. If you’d like to buy a book, see Ms. Hansen in Student Services or visit, they are currently $65.00.

Attention members of Catharsis: Ms. Pelle really needs assistance with the upcoming performances. Please see the bulletin board down the choir hallway for more details. Everyone should participate in at least one performance. Thank you.

Attention AP Physics 2 students:  Please return your textbooks to Mr. Zuzek by Tuesday of next week if you haven’t already done so to avoid a fee applied to your student account.  There are many other things you can do with $100.

Attention Seniors:  Do you like the chills and thrills of amusement rides? How about the idea of soaking up some sun and getting wet?  It’s time to start thinking about this year’s senior trip to Valleyfair. This year’s trip will take place on Friday, May 31st and will feature an all you can eat grill buffet in our own private pavilion at the park.  Get all of this and coach bus transportation for only $30 per student. Students must have their e-portfolio completed in order to go on the trip.  Be sure to check the senior web page for an updates on this or other senior happenings. Once again the cost is $30 and can be paid in student services. You have until Friday May 24th to sign up.

Attention Seniors-The Senior Art Show is coming!  Any Senior that has taken an art class with Mr. Britton can bring a piece of artwork or two to have displayed at the show which will run during the Choir Concert May 22nd.  Please bring Mr. Britton the artwork by May 17th to participate.

Summer School information and registration forms are now available. If you are interested in taking a summer school class, you can stop by student services to pick up a registration form or print a form from the student services website. Completed forms can be turned in to student services. See Mr. Shomion or Ms. Ebner with questions.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day.  Stop by the Rice Lake High School Greenhouse on Saturday morning from 9:00-12:00.  We have hanging baskets, annual flowers, and vegetables including peppers, tomatoes, squash and cucumbers.  Please see Mr. Kolpack with any questions.

Student Council Applications can be picked up outside Room 235.  The Due Date is Friday, May 24th.

FCCLA members:  Please stop by room 101 today during homeroom to vote for FCCLA officers for the 2019-20 school year.